South Sea Cargo departed Vila with beautiful weather on Tuesday morning, June 4th.
The team started work early the next morning. Despite Litzlitz being busy with the Big Sister and Vanuatu Ferry, SSC worked efficiently to unload and complete works safely to accomplish what they were there to do. SSC takes safety very seriously and takes all the precautions they need to make sure everything goes smoothly.
Carsinos departed around lunch time and headed up to Santo. Upon discovery of the Coconut Beetle in Santo, SSC had to make some adjustments and change their departure time from Santo to 4:30pm. The CRB, Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle, needs to be combated because of the damage it causes to coconut trees. Bio Security have asked all ships to depart from Santo before 4:30pm to help prevent the spread of the CRB to other islands as the ship lights would attract them. SSC has now changed their planning to work around this and has organised for all cargo to be loaded by a certain time so they can be ready to head off by 4:30pm.
They completed their mission in good time and headed back Malekula where they accomplished a huge amount of work, the team worked hard and they were able to finish up operations on time.
They arrived home in Port Vila on the 9th of June ready to unload and finish up for the day. All in all the team did great work once again and was accompanied by beautiful weather and clear blue skies the whole time. What a trip!