SSC departed Port Vila on the 12th of Feb for their 100th voyage!! They started the journey out at Litzlitz wharf in Malekula with beautiful weather. As part of the celebration, SSC gave out t-shirts, mugs and hats advertising the 100th voyage. They had lots of happy customers
On the afternoon of the 13th, they ramped up and headed up to Santo. Operations in Santo began on the 14th with clear skies and sunshine. Operations continued in Santo till the 15th with lots of unloading, transporting and reloading cargo on the barge. The team worked well together to get the job done and head back to Malekula as the next stop. They had more LCL and ISO tanks to deliver which were completed in good time, ready to head back to Vila.
Voyage 100 was definitely success and the SSC team showed us once more that they get the job done no matter what obstacles they face.